Monday, November 8, 2010

To My Lovelies

image from gingerella

I found this on the blog "Room to Inspire"and then I borrowed it.

It is exactly and perfectly what I want to say to my children.  I have found that raising grown children is hard, harder than raising young children, they're easy.

I am owning and understanding that they will always be my child and I will always be their mother BUT they don't need to know what I know.  What they need is space to learn what they need to know.   And the assurance that when they want to ask I am there for them.

What I need to know, is that even though they ask doesn't mean that they will do what my advice is.  And it also doesn't mean that I should ever ask how things are going. *@%#!   Can anybody testify?  Just sayin.

Seriously, this is the hardest part of parenting, for me anyway.  Anybody else at this stage of life know what I'm talking about.

And just when I got really good at it.   


Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Yeah, never ask unless ya really want to know.

Have a most blessed day sweetie!!!

Pamela said...

Thats a beautiful quote Jerriann! Thanx for stopping by this morning! I am still drooling over your kitchen!

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