Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Saga of the Little Vanity

I don't llike it and I don't wwant it!!! But I'm afraid I've earned it and I deserve it. I've titled "it" the "I've been a Bad Blogger Lately Baby Award, okay". Anyone heard the Zac Brown Band CD? It has a really cute song on it called "It's Not Okay." okay.

I usually try to ignore the fact that I haven't blogged lately and just jump right in there like I own this place or something. But the thing is I have had a lot good blogging opportunities going on and things to show you, which really just means I am missing the boat here.

So I say, let's do this thing, okay. Okay.

Oh yea one more thing, I'm breaking my little promise to not show unfinished projects but, I want to, so there, besides I have an award to get rid of. Hello.

These are some of the cast of characters present at the scene.

Good looking aren't they. They reminded me of the cabinet I had made for the living room to house the DVD player and Satellite reciever and all that stuff. It was and is a pretty little cabinet and after the carpenter had finish with it we put it in place. Then the painter walks over and starts to beat on it. I look around and caught a tear escaping the carpenter's eye. He asked me, "what did that little cabinet ever do to you to have it beat up that way"?

Awe that's just a sweet story.

A few dents and dings gave it some character. Everytime I spell that word I hear my 7th grade teacher Mrs. Wrenn say char acter with the hard ch sound. Hi Mrs. Wrenn, hope your doing fine. :)) Funny how teacher's really do impress upon and stay with us for life. Char actor.

Hello darling, this is the vanity is for my guest bathroom, the holes are for the vessel sink and the plumbing trap part. Technical jargon, I'm good at that.

Looking good.

The one thing I learned during this project is staining is EASY!! I'm saying stupid easy. Sorry, hope I didn't offend anyone who has had problems with staining, but you know compared to painting this was, "why haven't I been doing this already where have you been my whole life" easy.

Then came the sealing part. Not so easy. I have put on it on and sanded it off 6 time. SIX. I thought about lying to you and saying four but what the heck you might as well know the truth, it's been bad. It's looks perfect with the first coat, then I sand lightly to get rid of any little bubbles and to open it back up for the second coat and that's when all hell breaks loose. Excuse my language but six times folks, I'm just sayin.

I put the second coat on and I come back to find that it has sagged in a couple of places. Then the next time I had problems with it skipping and leaving uneven spots, then it sagged and skipped ..... I figured I had messed this thing up pretty good. So I decided to stripped it back down and start over, but only on the very top piece. The legs and the bottom shelf looked good. I covered it to protected it from the stripping agent which by the way was citrus stripper, smells like orange and works beautifully. Thank you blog land for that little tip.

As of this evening this little beauty looks like this.

Oh my.

That's the story
of my little table
because it's gotten
too hot for meee
and I am la-a-a-zy.

so my little table
sits all alone
and I hope no guest
come to visit me
cause then I'll have to sweat
la - la - la ?? um - um um ummm
in the garage with the oldies. ???? :))

Sorry bout that. Welcome to my world. Just be glad you are not one of my kids. I can't sing a lick and I sing that lick reeaal bad and reeaal loud.

In Jr. High my band teacher asked me to just pretend I was playing and I was glad to do it, too. I did however, realize in that monemt that band was probably not in my high school future.

Later I decided that if I was going to sing bad I'd sing bad real good and proud. So some mornings when one of the kids was hard to wake up (Jeremy) I would stand beside his bed and make up a song. It would start with "rise and shine" and then who knows what would come out of my brain after that. But it was fun and it made him laugh, he got up and we had a good day. Good times.

Hope you guys are having good times, simple moments that have a way of sticking with you.

See ya. :))


Anonymous said...

Oh...I feel so neglected! :) I think it's so very cool that you are building a great looking cabinet for the bathroom. I've been trying to get Rick to envision something other than the traditional bathroom cabinet for our bathroom, but so far no luck. I think I'll bring him over here this weekend so he can see for himself.
Please don't worry about us. We're big girls now. Good weekend to ya!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a beauty! You've done a great job! Really look forward to seeing the finished project. I've had a very busy spring and have not had time for any DIY projects. Thanks for feeding my obsession.

Pamela said...

I just started using the rub on poly I got at Lowes. It goes on like furniture polish and looks fab!!

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