Monday, December 6, 2010

Kitchen Mantle Makeover - Reveal

Ingredients and tools, I once used a Styrofoam plate to paint with so I brought that back out, it does work but on small scale projects the best and smooth surfaces.

I used the joint compound to adhere the burlap fabric and then put two to three layers on top and around that.   I found that I fought the burlap through the whole process so I probably would not use that again.

Then I put on a base coat of paint, I used what I had, so the base coat was a light yellow color I had mixed from SW Ivoire.  Next, a layer of metallic glaze I picked up from the craft store, the color was Medieval gold but it looked coppery to me.  Coppery, that's a word, right?

Then I added brown, probably would have been best to have gone to the paint store and had some colors mixed but alas, no . . . . .  I used a heavy texture acrylic paint and again hard to work with.  Sorry no picture of the brown layer but you can see it here.

Then I decided the burlap I left showing was not working, so I decided to cover that up.  I brought the joint compound back out and smoothed some on, sanded, painted and basically started over.

This little guy will never be the same and the nails either, I've washed and washed and still not good.

I just kept adding paints and smoothing them out.  The real tool of the day was a damp rag, I used it a lot.

In the end I think it may be too dark, so we'll see, I need to live with it for a while.  It seems really strange looking up there and seeing it so dark.  The picture above shows it to be darker than it really is.

There is no washing of dishes when I am engrossed in a project or cooking of food, poor honey.


Anonymous said...

It turned out beautiful, and I admire your perseverance. I'm sure it wasn't easy making it all work together, but the final result turned out elegant and custom. I wouldn't change a thing!

Becca Bertotti said...

Gorgeous !! *Becca*

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures said...

I think it looks good. I would be so scared to do any makeovers in such a beautiful kithcn, but you did good.

Belinda said...

I LOVE IT!!!!!! you did a great job, don't touch it. I like a darker look to it.

Emily [On the V Side] said...

This is gorgeous! And what a beautiful kitchen you have, overall!

HappyascanB said...

You AMAZE me! It's beautiful!

Kathie Bryant said...

The darker color brings out the tile work above the stove. Looks great! Don't worry about the dishes, we all have them from time to time. I think it was a great addition to your beautiful kitchen. Now for the Christmas decorations!! Have a blessed day!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

It's just beautiful as everything ya do. The Ponderosa is screamin' for ya to come visit! Heeehehehe!!!

God bless and have an incredible day sweetie!!!

Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

First of all, just the fact that you have a KITCHEN mantle makes me a little green with envy:):) I just LOVE the darker color!!!! I think it looks fabulous and wouldn't change it. I love your kitchen!!! XO, Pinky

Dawn Jenkins said...

you are a crafting genious...seriously you are gifted. So do you hire out :) lol!

Anonymous said...

Well, Jerri, I just can't imagine what was wrong with the hood to begin with, but I DO like the end result. Nice job!

Down On The Farm said...

Stunning. Don't change a thing. the darker mantle adds a richness to your kitchen. Good job! I just found your blog and will be back to see some of your other projects. I'm impressed :0! Blessings to you from MO!

Gamma Sharon said...

Absolutely beautiful! Even with the dirty dishes! Lol

Jennifer said...

Once beautiful = now perfection. Talented people....I don't paint but I soooo appreciate those who do! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

Custom Comforts said...

I love the finished look! I hope you're satisfied with it because I think it looks great! I'm your newest follower.

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

I think it's fabulous!! You really did an amazing job! Your kitchen is gorgeous as is your entire home...loved the Christmas tour!

Anonymous said...

The cooking and washing of dishes could wait. You don’t wanna ruin your momentum in this project just for that. Haha! Just look at what you've accomplished. The mantle looks better with the dark color; it complements the tile and the stove very well.

Gordon Fox @ Prince And Sons

Unknown said...

You are really creative, Jerri. I can't believe that you are the one who did the painting of your kitchen mantle. It looks gorgeous, though it's really a bit dark, it still matches the color and the ambiance of your kitchen. Good job! :)

Homer Collins @ Pinnacle Renovations

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